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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Stormtroopers! Where!!! (a little macro fun with the Canon SX50)

 Bet you haven't seen a Storm Trooper riding a Pachyderm yet today!

With the popularity of the new Lego movie, I thought I'd have a little fun with with the Macro setting on the Canon SX50 and a Lego Storm Trooper. 

You probably knew the SX50 was known to be a great long lens ultrazoom camera, but you may not have known it does a decent job as a macro lens too.  

Kind of a bonus really.  Not only do you get an awesome, 1200mm lens on the SX50 (35mm equivalent), you get a decent macro lens too, all for a little over $300.00!  Not bad if you ask me.

The SX50 is even pretty good in auto mode, or P mode if you prefer.  Just turn the camera on, compose your shot, and shoot.  Indeed, I actually shot the first few in this sequence that way.  Kind of refreshing to just think entirely about your composition and not worry about camera settings. :-)

I processed all these in Adobe Lightroom 5.3 (Camera RAW 8.3).  The black and white is a simple pull down to zero of the saturation slider.  No fancy presets, just easy peasy.

If you're in the market for a long lens, you should check out the Canon SX50 Ultrazoom.  I love mine, and as a bonus, it makes for a pretty decent macro lens too!

Click here to see the user reviews of the Canon SX50 on Amazon.

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