Friday, June 12, 2015

A PhotoWalk in Roth Park with the Canon 50mm f1.8 STM on the Canon T6i

Despite it looking like rain, Renee and I decided to take a chance on the weather and headed out to Roth Park this morning for a walk along Pittock Lake. I took the opportunity to bring along the Canon 50mm f1.8 STM lens on the Canon T6i that I have in for review.

We hadn't gone far along the trail when we saw this Momma Duck and her little brood of baby ducklings. I was able to get fairly close before they started to paddle further out from shore.

Further along, the blue colors of the dam caught my eye.

A weed by any other name...

You can see how nicely the Canon 50mm f1.8 STM blows out the background. I'm finding myself really liking the lens.

Here again, the wide f1.8 aperture is really showing it's stuff.

Even on an APS-C DSLR like the Canon T6i, the Canon 50mm f1.8 STM does a sweet job on the background at f1.8. The bokeh looks nice too!

50mm lenses are pretty much my favorite focal length, especially on APS-C or DX crop sensor bodies like the Canon T6i. They effectively give you a 80mm field of view on the Canon 1.6 crop sensors like those in the T6i, T6s, 70D, and 7D Mk2.

On Nikon DX sensors like the one in the Nikon D3300, D5500, and D7200, they give you an effective 75mm field of view (in 35mm terms).

Renee thought the graffiti on the wall made for a fun background.

I kinda liked this little graffiti dude.

The trails through Roth Park in Woodstock run along the South shoreline of Pittock Lake. A good part of the North side is part of the Pittock Lake Conservation Area.

I haven't seen any evidence of purple fringing or other chromatic aberration on the Canon 50mm f1.8 STM. Nothing but excellent performance to report so far.

I'm quite impressed with the bokeh on the 50mm STM.

Not sure what these flowers were, but I loved the shape.

Note how well the f1.8 blows out the foreground and the background here.

The Canon 50mm f1.8 STM lens is one of the best values (if not THE BEST) in the entire Canon lens line-up. Fastest, least expensive way to bump up your camera's abilities.

I almost missed seeing this Blue Heron across on the opposite bank. He blended in really well with the background rocks.

Here's where the increase in megapixels on the Canon T6i comes in handy. As you can see, this is quite a severe crop of the above image, but it still has enough resolution to make a decent print.

Over-all, I'm really liking the Canon 50mm f1.8 STM, and I'm liking the Canon T6i too.

Check out the BEST PRICE, User Reviews, and Q&A on the Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM Lens at B&H Phot

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