RadioPopper is just about ready to start taking orders for their new radio based wireless flash system. For those of you that haven't been following the on-going news of their development, RadioPoppers will be a radio based alternative to wireless flash systems like Pocket Wizards, Nikon's CLS system, and Canon's Wireless Flash system. The big news and HUGE advantage with RadioPoppers is that they are not ine-of-sight systems like the ones I just mentioned.
"RadioPopper addresses the key issue of reliability of the “line of sight” infrared system by essentially “bridging” the infrared light signal over a radio link. This translates to a beautifully simple solution to a very complex problem." (from the RadioPopper website).
I can't wait to try these puppies out! The existing systems, including Pocket Wizards, have serious limitations. A lot of us have learned to work within these limitations, but that doesn't mean we liked it! With the introduction of the RadioPoppers, things will change. If they work as claimed, I think they'll be the new standard for wireless flash.
Bear in mind my small caveat though... "if they work as claimed". These are an entirely new product, not just another version of something that already exists. I'm hoping they work beautifully, but that does remain to be seen. As with any new product, there may be a few bugs to iron out once they hit the mainstream, but that's fine so long as things are handled properly. Suffice to say, I have high hopes for these little beauties.